Tuesday 22 October 2013


This is a typical legend where I come from (Cazorla) that happened in the Middle Ages during the Christian Reconquest in southern Spain.

There was a Moorish princess, daughter of a Muslim King who governed those lands. The king was horrified by the advance of the Christian troops, for that reason he decided to hide his beloved daughter in the dungeons of the castle with enough groceries to survive for a long time, at least until the end of the war against the Christians, then he sealed the entrance in order not to be discovered by anyone apart of them. However, the Moorish king was captured and executed with all his entourage, and no one ever knew who was locked there.

After a long time with no food the princess went into a deep sleep, and when she woke up she realized that due to humidity and darkness she had transformed half woman and half snake.

Legend tells that she only appears on the night of San Juan when you can hear her cry


 “I am the Tragantía

Moorish king's daughter,

those who can hear me crying

will never see the light of the day

or the night of San Juan”

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